On-Call with Dr. Jason Golbin: Dr. Kimon Bekelis
VeryWell Health Interview
SR Times Interview
US News and World Report Interview
BestLife Interview
AVM Superhero Interview
CFN Live Interview
CFN Live Interview
CH Interview
Newsday Interview
Connoisseur Media Interview
Radio Interview Part 2
Radio Interview Part 1
ABC News Interview
CFN Live Interview
News 12 Interview
News 12 Interview
Page Elizabeth Keely Foundation Interview
CHS Interview
6th Annual Language of Love Virtual Telethon Interview
CHS Interview
ZP TV Interview
The Hellenic Initiative Interview
GSHMC Interview
Supervisor Spotlight Interview
Stroke Center Interview
Neurovascular Exchange Interview
Neurovascular Exchange Interview
Newsday Interview
Stroke of Luck Show Interview
National Herald Interview
Neurovascular Exchange Interview
CHS Blog Interview
News 12 Long Island Interview
GSHMC Interview
La Fiesta Radio Interview
Living Local 24/7 Interview
National Herald Interview
American Heart Association News Interview: "Can statins help prevent brain aneurysms from rupturing?"
106.1 BLI and 102.3 WBAB Interview
National Herald Interview
CHS Presents: "Lifestyles at the Heart of Health, CHS Offering the Latest in Stroke Detection and Management"
MD NEWS Interview
K-98.3, 103 MAX FM, The Shark, Walk Radio Interview
Good Samaritan Medical Center Interview
Good Samaritan Medical Center Interview: "New Technology Saves West Babylon Woman at Stroke & Brain Aneurysm Center"
The Translational Scientist Interview: "Innovation versus exnovation"
Healthcare Finance Interview: "Some doctors are now scaling back on low-value care to save in costs"
EurekAlert! Interview: "Flip side of innovation: What causes doctors to scale back on the use of medical practices"
Healthcare Analytics News Interview: "For Value-Based Care, "Exnovation" is a Good Thing"
Science Daily Interview: "Flip side of innovation: What causes doctors to scale back on the use of medical practices"
Neurovascular Exchange Interview: "Most Complications From Elective Coiling Identified Perioperatively Or Soon After"
Neurovascular Exchange Interview: "Mechanical Thrombectomy Outcomes Superior When General Anesthesia Is Avoided"
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Interview: "CNS Annual Meeting"
Neurosurgery Market Watch Interview: "Neurosurgery Registry Emerges As Forerunner in Quality-Measurement Movement "
Medpage Today Interview: "Stroke-Certified Centers Have Better Early Survival Rates"
Medscape Interview: "Survival Benefit of Stroke Centers Negated After 90 Minutes of Travel"
MedicalResearch.com Interview: "Specialized Stroke Care Centers Improve Outcomes"
HealthDay Interview: "Are Stroke Centers Life Savers"
Neurovascular Exchange Interview: "Study Teases Out Differences Between Endovascular vs Surgical Treatment of Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms"
Neurovascular Exchange Interview: "DWI Lesions Similarly Rare, Usually Silent After Clipping and Coiling of Unruptured Intracranial Aneurysms"
Neurovascular Exchange Interview: "Medicare Analysis Suggests Cost Savings With Endovascular Therapy For Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage"
WLNCMD Interview: "Endovascular Approach Proves Cheaper Than Clipping in Medicare Cohort"
Reuters Health Interview: "Brain Injury Linked to Increased Risk of Losing Health Insurance"
WLNCMD Interview: "Continuity of Care Seems to Affect Readmission Risk for Cerebral Aneurysm Patients"
Medpage Today Interview: "ISC: Newer Anticoagulants Riskier for Afib Patients Needing Antiplatelet Tx?"
WLNCMD Interview: "Clipping and Coiling Yield Comparable Results for Ruptured Cerebral Aneurysms in Older Patients"
Radiology Interview: "Variation in Head CT Use for Hemorrhagic Stroke"
MedicalResearch.com Interview: "Stroke: Fragmentation of Care Leads To More CT Scans, Higher Costs"
Medpage Today Interview: "Brain Aneurysm Tx: Too Much Practice Variation?"